Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fuyu no Owari ni - At Winters End

- At Winters End-
I remember 

About that day 
As the snow that dances in the night sky 
Begins to fall again.

You were always 
Only looking forward, 
And it seemed like 
You would go somewhere far away.

My feelings 
Won’t reach you, 
And you don’t even notice them.

I’ve been pining for you 
For so many winters 
That I can’t even count.

It’s not requited, and not fulfilled, 
But I’m still in love with you. It’s never-ending. 
Even if it’s painful, 
My heart won’t freeze.

To you, 
Important things 
Are all equal, 
So I’m just as important to you.

If that will 
Become your happiness, 
I’ll send you off with a smile. 
That’s the last thing I can do.

I’m sure you've 
Forgotten long ago, 
But that moment was special to me.

I think back, time and time again, 
To the moment we first met. 
It’s always in my heart.

I’m sure I won’t ever fall in love 
With someone like this again. 
I thought this as I gazed 
At the silver scenery that had piled up.

I’ve been pining for you 
For so many winters 
That I can’t even count.

it’s not requited, and not fulfilled, 
Even so, I’m OK… Is what I tried to tell myself, 
But I was telling myself a lie.

I’ve got to convey it endlessly, 
Even if it’s a love that won’t reach. 
Now, I gather my courage, 
I muster all my strength and I scream to you :


Hinata's character song for Naruto from before :) gad! still feels excruciating everytime i read it again, the reason why i like her character so much more coz y'know she always tries & endure & shes humble & very kind :) She inspires me so much.

Uhm's a description about this song i found in tumblr & i think i couln't agree much coz she said it exactly as i wanted it to be so i'm just going to share it here :) -jztkn11

An analysis of Nana Mizuki’s  “Fuyu No Owari Ne“ performance
In doing the lyrics for the fandub of Fuyu No Owari Ne, and in trying to make suitable lyrics that actually suit and flow with the song, I must have listened to it more times than I can count.
And yet, it’s only now, when I listen to the auditions for the fandub, and the lyrics are fully complete, that I truly appreciate Nana Mizuki’s original performance of the song.
You can listen to it here, by the way:
For those who are not in the know, “Character Songs” are songs specifically made for anime that showcase a character’s problems, story, motivation and well… character. They are performed in the original character’s voice and they are as much anime performance showcases as they are songs.
Think of the difference between the movie version of “Let it Go” and the studio version that was released as a single. The single version of “Let It Go” is simply a great song. In contrast, the movie version is Elsa’s “Character Song” and it’s a performance that is supposed to convey the confllict and variety of emotions that Elsa goes though when she decides to isolate herself and set up the plot for the rest of the movie.
(Which is why people tend to prefer listening to the movie version of the song)
Make no mistake, Fuyu No Owari Ne isHinata’s character song. It’s performed in Hinata’s high-pitched voice (which is quite different from Nana Mizuki’s normal voice) and each verse, through Nana Mizuki’s subtle and sublime performance manages to capture Hinata’s personality and her internal struggles perfectly!
Lets go through each verse and see how Nana Mizuki’s performance changes.
Verse 1
Hinata talks about the winter and how the snow reminds her of “that day” (the day that Naruto saved her from the bullies, when they first met). 
Her voice is cheery and uplifting. She recalls something that is very dear to her heart.
Verse 2
She talks about Naruto and about how he always moves forward. She talks about the distance that is between them and about how he always seems to be somewhere far away.
Though Hinata’s voice remains cheery it starts to show a hint of sadness as she talks about Naruto and the distance that is between him and her.
Verse 3
She talks about how, no matter what she does, her feelings just don’t seem to reach Naruto.
This is a small but important verse that transits the song from the cheery first verses to the sad verses that follow. You can hear Hinata’s demeanour change as she says the lines.
Verse 4
She talks about long she has pined for Naruto and how futile her efforts seem to be. This love isn’t requited and it doesn’t fulfill her, but, even though it hurts her, her heart can’t help but still beat for him.
This is where Hinata’s voice becomes noticably sad. And yet as she says the lines there is a hint of hope and determination.
Verses 5 and 6
She talks about how Naruto sees all things and all people as equally important, which means that to him, she is just as important as everybody else. She says she doesn’t mind and she will still send off Naruto with a smile ignoring her own feelings inside.
Though the verse seems cheery, a repeat in tune of the first verse, Hinata’s voice is now noticably bitter, as if she is forcing herself to laugh and smile despite being in pain.
Verse 7
Hinata talks about how Naruto has forgotten the day they first met, but that it’s still special in her heart.
Another transition from cheery to sad, like in verse 3, but the lingering bitterness in Hinata’s voice makes the transition more dramatic.
Verse 8
She talks about how  her memories with Naruto are precious to her and about how she will never fall in love with someone like this again.
Though the lyrics seem to be happy, Hinata’s voice is now sad and bitter. She is clearly feeling conflicted about her feelings, and about her memories.
Verse 9
A repeat of verse 4 about how long she has longed for Naruto.
Though the lyrics are a repeat of a previous point in the song, Hinata’s voice is now really different: it is downright lonely, devoid of most musical instrument backup (just a lone piano melody) and is openly melancholic.
Verse 10 an 11
She kept telling herself that she would be happy, if only Naruto was happy, but she was lying to herself all this time. She wants to be with him. So she will muster all her strength will try to convey her feelings to him once more, even though she knowsthat it’s a futile effort.
This is the crescendo and the most dramatic point of the song. Hinata’s voice is openly cracking as she sings those verses. She is falling into despair and she is trying to hold back her tears. 
Last Verse
Hinata just says “I love you”
It’s a simple line, but again, it’s the delivery that sells it. Hinata’s voice is now determined and strong after the conflict she was faced. She will make her feelings known to Naruto eventually.

I should be noted that all of this is done in a subtle manner. There is no exaggeration in Hinata’s voice, and there is no overacting. With her sublime performance in the song Nana Mizuki manages to capture Hinata’s gentle and kind nature, along with her conflicting feelings and the tragedy of her unrequited love.
I hope this analysis will help you to appreciate the song more!
-by: l3nsman
smile emoticon

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